In this category we have grouped the list of the best typical italian restaurants where you can find thousands of food and wine products, a heritage made of history, tradition, connection with the territory that we must promote and protect. In these Italian restaurants you will be able to taste endless dishes whose peculiar characteristic derives from the geographical production area and processing and processing processes that are traditionally carried on in that area. This results in a unique and inimitable product in flavor, taste and color for each productive area.
OUR SERVICE: This portal, illustrates the list of the best Italian restaurants, selected by region, province and finding them by name or for special dish. Each of the Italian restaurants is marked by a personal card with a large description, photos and list of consumer goods and all the particulars that you wanted to highlight. This is a great opportunity for restaurants to get acquainted with a growing number of Italian and foreign visitors, even in view of what the Milan EXPO has generated. At the same time, providing the restorer with username and password to access his information sheet, he can keep up-to-date all his information in favor of industry, wholesalers, fairs, culinary experts, shopkeepers of typical products or even simple gourmet enthusiasts.