
Italian oil mills

In this category we have grouped the list of Italian oil mills brands DOP (Controlled Origin Name) and IGP (Typical Geographical Indication) trademark, agricultural food products whose peculiar characteristic derives from the geographical production area and the processing and processing processes that in that territory they are carried on according to tradition. This results in a unique and inimitable product in flavor, taste and color for each productive area.

OUR SERVICE: This portal, illustrates a list of Italian Oleifici and producers, selected by region, province and finding them by name or by product. Producers are reported through a personal card, with a wide description, photos and list of consumer goods products. This is a great opportunity for producers to get acquainted with a growing number of Italian and foreign users, even in view of what the Milan EXPO has generated. At the same time, providing the advertiser / grower with username and password to access his information sheet, he will be able to keep up-to-date all his information to industry, wholesalers, trade fairs, distributors, traders of typical products or even simple enthusiasts of gastronomy. We are published within the major directories and search engines and we are constantly working to rank search engines for your products, your business, and your name in addition to the category to which you belong.                                                                                                                

Your page, within the “Italian oil mills” section, dedicated to describing your business and what you offer will be translated into English by creating an additional page, even indexed and therefore found on foreign search engines. For this reason, we can state that the service represents our customers an excellent value added to their marketing activities.

